Here is my journey to find out what makes me unmistakable, what brings me joy... and to release the thoughts in my head.

November 4, 2008

Vote and Pray

I am not sharing my politics here.

I find that we can overboard fighting about who and what. I watched this in action the other day in my Sunday school class. 9 and 10 year old children, with in seconds, reaching across the table and shouting: "How could anyone vote Obama?" "Why that old guy?", it amazed me...

I stopped the fighting quickly and pointed out some things:

  • Both men are Christians.
  • Both want what they think is best for America.
  • Both have things that scare me.
  • Both have things that intrigue me.

Then we discussed our reasons for wanting one candidate or the other. Then we prayed. Each week we pass a basket to hold our prayers. Often, it is just handed from child to another. This week, each and every child held the basket and prayed. I can only hope this meant they understood the impact of what is going on.

By the way, here is a bit more of what I said:
I won't vote for one just because he has a woman running beside him, and I won't vote for the other just because his is black. There has to be a reason, and feeling that gives me some comfort in knowing that when I think of my President I will not feel afraid. My choice will not be based on what the other one has said or done. But, it will be because of how that person has stood his ground, and has shown the respect for this country, and its inhabitants.

All I can say is this:

Today will change our world, one way or the other.

Whoever gets elected will need our support and God's.

Hey, even Santa says so!

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