Here is my journey to find out what makes me unmistakable, what brings me joy... and to release the thoughts in my head.

March 31, 2008

What's in a name?

I commented to one of my favorite blogs yesterday. Michelle O'Neil of Full-Soul-Ahead writes with such conviction and inspiration that I just had to say something. When I checked back, she had commented on my name, "Poopsie". It occurred to me that in Blog land, no one knows why I am "Poopsie", and maybe I need to explain, in case anyone ever reads my blog.
I am the youngest of four sisters. When I was little my nickname was "Pooper", well, actually it was "Super Pooper". My sisters were not mean to me, but they sang this silly song:
"Every party needs a pooper that why we invited you, Super Pooper." Occasionally, instead of "Super" it would be "Cindy". It never hurt my feelings, and some how in all we went through, it was a piece of "normal".
Move ahead about 30 years, and now I am the proud mother to 4 of my own children. I have an add on son as well. Somewhere along the line, I became "Mumsie" when anyone wants something, or the rare times of affection. Teen age boys, young adult men, and a 7 year old little girl, I am bound to have many names. "Mum" "Mother" "Mommy" "Dude", and "Homey" are just a few of the ones I lived with. My favorite will always be "Mumsie".
So, when I came into the blogging world, I needed a name. I took my two favorites and combined them. "Poopsie" is such a frivolous sounding name, but somehow it works. I know as you read my blog, you will find that I am not frivolous, in fact I find that I am more deep in thought everyday. However, I seek the wonder that comes with spontaneous play, and "Poopsie" sounds like someone that will jump in and have a good time. Maybe I will live up to the name, someday. :)


Halfmoon Girl said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I, for one, had to come see you after I saw the name Poopsie. I thought, there is a quirky name! I like quirky things.

She Rose Up said...

What a sweet way to get a name! I had wondered at the history of the I had to try this article out!

Great stuff, Poopsie! :)

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!


Michelle O'Neil said...

So glad I found this! A bit late but I'm glad ot have stumbled upon the Poopsie explanation. I call my mother in law "Mums."

: )

The saying goes, "A child with many nicknames is well loved."

Stands true for adults too I would guess!

Growin' With It said...

how did i miss this on your sidebar? sorry. and what a cute endearing way to remember your sweet sisters and your childhood. "now i get it"... and think it's pretty doggone cute!