Here is my journey to find out what makes me unmistakable, what brings me joy... and to release the thoughts in my head.

November 3, 2008

Tales from Halloween

We go to a shopping village for trick or treat. It is hard to explain, but there are all old houses that are converted into shops. The kids go from shop to shop gathering their treasures. Nate took Ruth around, so Darrell and I had a chance to spend time walking and window shopping. even the grown ups get involved:
Yes, folks that is the wig that Nate had on his bed. He talked about this for months, and he had his chance to be scary, goofy, or whatever it is he was looking to be. I know that he was a hit, in any case.
Then, we went to visit at my aunt and uncle's home. It is the only time we visit, which is a shame. While there, we took the walk with my cousins and their kiddos. The boys are Ruth's age, and she loved having the company. My cousin's daughter reached the age of going with a friend, so Ruth took the edge off for her. Apparently, Brittany and Ruth are cut from the same cloth. Lots of questions, and non stop chatter.
Oh, and so you know, Kathy, I thought about popping in but there just wasn't time. It took us hours to work on the report that Ruth had due. Other wise, you would have had this at your door:

I think it is possible you could not resist this snake wrangler!


Anonymous said...

Very spooky costume!

The place you live sounds really neat! I would love to see it sometime!

Christie said...

Nate turned out fabulous! Maybe he'll stop trying the costume on now that he's had a chance to shine in it... although somehow I doubt it!

Ruth looked awesome... though it's probably good she doesn't get to trick-or-treat at Grama's or Aunt Kathy's! I'm not sure they could have handled a snake wrangler... well, not the snake part at least!

Your night sounds like it was awesome and I'm glad you had such great family time!

Kathy said...

I didn't realize I had fallen so far behind in my blog reading! The snake wrangler is just adorable. I would have suffered through the terror if she had made it to my door.

The pumpkin was incredibly creative.

And, I really liked your post about election day. You are very wise.