Here is my journey to find out what makes me unmistakable, what brings me joy... and to release the thoughts in my head.

March 16, 2011

Reverting to the old

When I began this blog, it was about the things I wanted to think about aloud. It was not meant to be a place for my daily life, with family photos and such. It was meant to be a place for me to be vocalizing the thoughts that run through my mind. This is where the blog was meant to be, and wear it is heading again.

I tend to worry about stuff. A lot. Stuff from my childhood, teen years, and so on. Things like when I broke a glass pan by setting it in cold water after taking it from the oven. I beat myself up over it, though it was almost 30 years ago. This is stuff that I need to let go off.

In today's life, I have other things I think about. Like why is it that I tune into the television, when I want to sit and read or create? What do I want to create? Why is it that I shut myself off from others? How can I get my butt in gear and do the things I want to?

I know that these are small in the face of so many other issues. But, for me, I am working to get over them...


Christie said...

Oh Lordy, Aunt Cindy, you've asked some questions there that I ask myself all the time! Why am I watching TV when reading is better? Why can't I get my butt in gear and make something instead of being a slug? I've been working on those things for a long time and progress is slow, but I am getting better and I know you will to with time - just stick to it! XOXO

Kathy said...

Ditto! Life is short, dear sister. I know it's hard to let go of the old crap. One of my mottos is "a lack of forgiveness is poison". Sometimes the person you need to forgive is YOU! I would love a partner in art journaling. Let me know if you are into it. Creating is a big, big word! Glad you are back to blogging.