Here is my journey to find out what makes me unmistakable, what brings me joy... and to release the thoughts in my head.

August 26, 2008

It's not always a good idea to multi-task

Summer is ending, rapidly.

I have a new job, and a skirt that I might want to wear, but I do not like the beading across the front. "This is an easy fix.", I said to myself. I pulled out my seam ripper and start popping off the beads. It is easy, but time consuming. So, I set it down and prepared my bowl of cereal for breakfast.

Do you see where I am going?

I get bored while I sit alone eating. I should have pulled out a book, but I just finished my last summer reading book last night. I guess I could have some Scripture reading, or read in my Artful Living book. Not me, that would be too easy.

I picked up the skirt and seam ripper. With my bowl of cereal within inches of my work, so I could snag a bite here and there, I began popping off beads. Guess where they landed...

Yup, multitasking can produce waste.
My breakfast gone-- down the drain.
I mean really would you want to eat beads?


Kathy said...

You are so funny! A blogger I admire and would love to emulate! No worries on your work style. Help is on the way!

Anonymous said...

Depends on how BIG they are!! remember i have been known to swallow buttons off my coats and to eat flies that look like nuts!a little bead here and there...nothing to it!! Are you sure you are MY kid?