There was a whole shelf of Golden Books. I would read them, and several were in my favorite's list. However, the ones that melted my little heart were those written by Tasha Tudor.

The doll on this cover brings back so many memories. I can see all the soft pastels and gentle brush strokes of the illustrations. As much as I loved Little House on the Prairie, I loved these even more. They were soft and whispered to me of days gone by.

I loved to dream of ice skating and warm fires in a fire place and hearts of lace. The manger in the oven to remind us of the reason to celebrate Christmas. The crisp fall leaves. That is what this book fed me. trips to my grandmother's garden allowed me to relive the springtime pictures.
There was a smell to these books of my grandmother. They were old smelling- not really musty, but just old time smelling. Imagine my surprise when I realized they were only decades older than I was. I grew up thinking that they were from yesteryear. :)
Lovely memories …
Beautiful tribute …
Thank you for your lovely Tasha Tudor entry.
Gentle hugs,
Miss Mari-Nanci
Smilnsigh blog
Beautiful post!
Lovely Tasha Tudor tribute! have Mammie's Tasha Tudor books?? I told Mom that I was reminded of Mammie when I looked at her books. No wonder! As you will see in my post, I don't own any--they all belong to Mom. Well, except for A Little Princess. Do you think I could find that dear book when I searched? Great post. I can smell that special place in my memory too. Love, Kathy
More than half of Mom's books came from Mammie's. She gave them to her for a birthday, I think. I remember feeling a bit jealous that she got them. :)
Tell your Hubs . . . my sis's hubs would have wigged out. My hubs is pretty easy going and it takes a bit to realllly bother him. After the initial "this is what we do" he caught on and never once complained. In fact, there were a few times we were both laughing so hard we both had tears!
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