Here is my journey to find out what makes me unmistakable, what brings me joy... and to release the thoughts in my head.

April 8, 2008

Shoe Battles

Okay, I know I am on a rant this week. I am done with the many household issues I have. I am not a good housekeeper. every once in a while, I realize I have "had the radish", and am feeling bitter. Unlike last night, I took this one head on, and feel like I can sit in a bit to watch one of my guilty favorites, "The Biggest Loser".

I don't know why I fight the battle. It is only a few measly minutes until the house is put back in order. But, really, why are there shoes under every chair, the desk, and taking up the living room floor?

Ruth was embarrassed when she realized my plan to share with everyone my frustration. "Don't take pictures of my shoes, just DJ's!", and "No, Mom! I don't want my friends to see!" Like a bunch of 7 year olds will be viewing my work. :)

But, I had to share this one photo of her trying to block her mess from everyone's eyes:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL Cute pic! My boys are learning to clean up after themselves and it is quite the battle, no?