Here is my journey to find out what makes me unmistakable, what brings me joy... and to release the thoughts in my head.

April 5, 2008

Give and take

I have spent much of my married life as a "Red Sox widow". If you have ever watched the movie "Fever Pitch", you have seen what I am up against. I met my dear husband in the winter, he was thoughtful, loving, romantic. Then spring came, and wow, where did he go?

I have learned in the past year that it is his wish for me to SHARE the game time with him. Normally, this is time he spends in our room, avoiding the TV battle with the kiddos. I decided that he deserved to have access to the living room, and I would be able to read or whatever there with him.

Imagine his surprise when he realized that I had turned the channel to the game this afternoon. He had just gotten up, (3rd shift worker), and turned on the radio to catch the score while having his coffee. I told him that I thought he should be able to watch the game. I sat wnd read for awhile, and then took Ruth out to swing in the sunshine, and rake leaves from the shoots that are appearing in my yard.

Imagine my surprise, when he came out in search of me after the game. He wanted to know if we were going out or anything this afternoon. He actually chose to come with Ruth and I on a letterbox, and then asked if there was another we could do.

Amazing... the give and take. It is what makes the world go 'round. I feel better this afternoon than I have in years gone by. Spring is my least favorite time of year, as it is usually the time we lose each other. Just as the shoots I found give hope for times to come, so did the time we spent together today.


Halfmoon Girl said...

Give and take feels so good, even when sometimes it is a sacrifice. I came by to tell you that Eternal Flame is an old fave of mine too.

She Rose Up said...

Much wisdom here, Lady!

When I married my husband I knew NOTHING about sports! My Dad just didn't get into Tv sports, so I grew up with the making fun of people that watched attitude...

Let me just say that AFTER marrying my Honey, I now am an AVID NFL fan, Braves fan, and I will watch Golf even (certain players interest me more than others) but, like you say - it opens up the world when you step into theirs!

God bless!