Today is RuthE's birthday.
Combining our gift with Grandpa's, she received 2 baby guinea pigs, along with all the "fixings". They are both chocolate brown. One has a spot on her head, reminding us of a cup of cocoa with a marshmallow on top. Her name is Cocoa. The other has a smear of golden brown across her back, about the color of peanut butter. She is Reese's, after the PB cups.
Because of the cost of the present, we opted to have a dinner with two of Ruth's friends. She got to choose what she would like for dinner, and who the guests were. To be honest, this also was a good choice to avoid overload of her senses.
When the first friend came, they brought the guinea pets outside to play. YIKES! Reese's got away and hid under a large hot dog trailer. We could not find her. Grandpa came to our rescue, and we jacked up the trailer. Grandpa, Brian, Ruth, her friend, and I were all on our tummies trying to locate poor scared Reese's. Luckily, Grandpa's flashlight shined in her eyes. My long stick cleared away the leaves, and she ran under the tire that was jacked up. There, Brian captured her. Ruth quickly returned her to her cage, and shortly after her other friend arrived.
They all went out to play, whilst I set the table. I used a new navy blue tablecloth, which actually showed off my plates. I like so much I think I will buy a larger one for when the table is open. :)

I tied the napkins with a piece of yarn, I do not own fancy napkin rings. I was inspired to go to Ruth's costume jewelry and picked out three brooches.
Hey . . . where are the guinie pig pictures - what did she name them?
Happy Birthday!!!
This is awesome! I love the way you did the napkins and I love hearing about the things little girls enjoy. Good luck with the guinea pigs! :)
Cindy . . . you have been tagged! Come on over to my blog and find out what you are in for!
Love ya
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