Here is my journey to find out what makes me unmistakable, what brings me joy... and to release the thoughts in my head.

November 7, 2008


Each year our local community action agency, with one of the nearby radio stations, holds a food drive. This is a 2 day event, and for years, we have participated. I have been on the receiving end of food donations, and so I try to ensure that I give a little back. Now that I work for the agency, I get to donate time to the drive. This is exciting for me, let me tell you. Ruth joins me in weighing and sorting food. Her favorite part? When Santa comes in with his motorcycle group.

I have to remember my camera next year...

Yes, folks, there is a real Santa Claus. And, he rides a Harley. :) His group donates a 1/2 ton of food, and a hefty monetary contribution. According to Ruth, this is the real Santa. Why? "Because he is here to help the poor people". Can you argue that Point? I know I can't.

In any case, it warms my heart to share with others, and it tickles me that Ruth can see in action what I hope to be a legacy. That Santa is real, and he is not about the big tickets gifts, but about giving from your heart.

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