Here is my journey to find out what makes me unmistakable, what brings me joy... and to release the thoughts in my head.

August 12, 2008

The first box

Ruth and I had a beautiful walk along a trail in Enfield, NH. Although I grew up in that town, I do not recall ever having taken this walk. It was peaceful and had some really nice views.

Here Ruth is looking at a small waterfall.

At first, I thought this tree stump was a bear. When it didn't move, I began to breathe again.

At the other end of the 1/2 mile or so trail, we were supposed to find a letterbox.

As we looked it began to rain.
Let me change that, POUR!
Ruth and I had to walk back in the buckets of rain that fell so rapidly I began to worry that one of us would slip over the edge of the riverbank.
Luckily, we got back safe and sound, though with out having found our box. :(
We will be making the excursion again, on a nicer day!

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