Here is my journey to find out what makes me unmistakable, what brings me joy... and to release the thoughts in my head.

July 22, 2008

Swimming in the rain

Last night, just before dark, I loaded Ruth in the truck, and we took off to cool off. Swimming is a great way to get relaxed, and we needed that.
As we drove along, it began to sprinkle. Ruth became worried we would have to stop and go home. "Only if there is a real storm.", I told her. She seemed a bit puzzled, but I love to swim in the rain. I think I know why:
  • the beach is all but empty
  • the water is warmer
  • you get goosebumps when you ashore
  • there is the fresh smell of clean air
  • the laughter of the kids because we are doing something "crazy"

When we arrived, there was a break in the clouds. The view was dark and forbidding clouds off shore, but across the pond there was the most spectacular sight. The clouds were parted, and the sun lit the sky in a brilliant blue. I stood in wonder and amazement.

As we left for the night, we traveled south along a back road. There we stopped along the side of the road to watch the blazing sun slip behind the treeline. It was as Ruth said "Like looking right into heaven".


Trish said...

Oh...what a beautiful post. I am sorry...I don't really know you but your post on the Mennonite Girls Can Cook caught my eye. Did you make Impossible Pie and did you like it? I brought the left overs from the 'photo shoot' for the blog in to work today including the orange/ruhbarb cake. It was gobbled up like nobody's business.

Sounds like indeed you do have some challenges there but you also seem, like you said Ruth said, like you seem to know how to look up from 'whence cometh your help' and find the brighter side of things. Personally, I know...just know that God has a great sense of humour...if He did not...he would not send all these predicaments for me to get into so that the world can laugh about and with too! Sometimes if we do not laugh...we would cry!

I hope you like the pie then...stop by again ...these women I hooked up with really really know how to cook! Have a great evening...and for what it is worth...I LOVE to swim in the rain!

Poopsie said...

Trish, the pie was divine!
A good sense of humor is just what we all need. I work on mine daily. :) I plan to visit often to your site. I have done the zucchini chocolate chip muffins - totally yummy!
I prepared for the salmon. That will be dinner tonight. I can not wait.