Here is my journey to find out what makes me unmistakable, what brings me joy... and to release the thoughts in my head.

July 30, 2008

Getting over it

So, I have a hang up. I often envision that I can do something. Then, I try to pull it together, often without a pattern. Just snip and stitch. As I get towards the completion, I get antsy. "What if it does not look like it is supposed to?" "What if they do not like it?" "What if everyone knows how bad a job I did in creating it?" Oh, the list is long.

Today, I made a version of this nursing cover for my niece. I made it with out a pattern, just this picture floating in and out of my mind. I hope it works as well as I think it might.
It is made from purple brocade cloth with gold swirls and flowers. I love the fabric and the way it flows. But, I am not very experienced. I hope the stitch witch will hold the edges. I pray the collar will be all right. What if the baby can not breathe? Oh, man. I could talk myself out of this. But, It is made, and already in a box and wrapped. I would not have the nerve other wise. I hope that I will get a photo of it on her at the shower. It just felt pretty, and the idea of being able to nurse privately, without the blanket falling just appealed to me.
So, I did it. I have been reading, thanks to my sister, Kathy, the book, "Living Artfully: Create the Life You Imagine" by Sandra Magsamen. I am in chapter two and finding out why I might not allow myself to create. Today, I looked at the blocks, and I think I may have pulled them down. Now if only I could be sure the cover up will work and no one will laugh or have the pity look....


Halfmoon Girl said...

Your nursing cover sounds pretty- it will make a lovely gift!

Kathy said...

YIPPEE!!! You like the book! Oh, I knew you would! I knew it! You are one of the most creative, resourceful women I know and I can't wait to take a photo of our dear niece in the cool nursing cover you created. Tell those voices in your head to SHUT UP! Listen to me instead. LOL! I think the gift is thoughtful, creative and I think she is going to love it. So there.

Vee said...

That is a much better solution than those that I have ever seen before. It's nice that moms can have some privacy.

Thanks for your visit! Hope that you find E.B. White's essays at the library near you.